Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Adventure to Start

Everyone welcomed baby New Year with a bang like everyone does every New Year. Each one is hoping and wishing for something this New Year, luck, money, fortune or health. Everyone having their own meaning for the New Year, for me the New Year means a new chapter; a continuation of the last one. The last one that brought me greatly magnificent things and absolutely horrible things; unforgettable experiences that I’m sure I’ll laugh about… eventually. The last year brought me a bag of lessons that I hope I will be able to apply and remember as the New Year progresses. I made mistakes and hurt people which I will do my best never to do again. Victories that awaken me of the things I am capable of. All these things I got, I will continue and improve this year.

I hope for an adventure this year. Days of excitement, each day will have something to look forward to. I intend to make that happen, no idea will be ignored! I will try new things whenever given the chance and TRY to stop procrastinating. . .

Go forth to 2011! End each day admiring the rich orange sunset far in the horizon.

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